For Chinese Wedding, it is very common to see Roasted Pig being used to welcome the bride to the groom’s family and also the return of the bride to her family. These traditions started long before the Tang Dynasty and are still being observed now.
For Cantonese traditions, it is commonly known for the Bride to return to her family home after the third day of the wedding. A whole Roasted Pig is presented to the Bride’s family by the Groom, who customarily will keep the pig’s body and return the pig’s head and legs, along with other gifts to the Groom.
For Hokkien traditions, the Bride’s mother will be presented a Pig Trotter by the Groom as a sign of gratitude for her caretaking of the Bride.
In today’s Singapore Chinese wedding customs, to simplify the traditional customs and save time for the wedding couples, a whole Roasted Pig is presented to the Bride’s family on the day of the wedding as gratitude for the caretaking of the Bride. The Bride family will customarily keep the pig’s body and return the pig’s head and legs, along with other gifts (wrap in red paper) to the Groom.