Our Products 本店美味

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Teochew Braised Duck 潮州卤鸭

Hours of marinating and slowing cook in our specially prepared Homemade Teochew braised sauce to bring you the goodness of our Braised Duck meat to your taste buds.


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Guitar Duck 枇杷鸭

Try our Guitar Duck.  Roasted to golden brown with maltose and other seasonings, with the addition of our sweet sauce to enhance the taste and flavour of the duck meat.


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Roasted Pork 脆皮烧肉

Carefully selected pork belly meat induce with our homemade seasoning. It is then roasted to crispy golden brown Roasted Pork.  Each bite of the Roasted Pork will make you want it more.


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Honey Roasted Char Siew 蜜汁叉烧

Marinated in our secret honey sweet Char Siew sauce recipe, each Char Siew pork is roasted into a well marbled red and black colour.  Love by all ages.
